[hep-th/9510017] Dirichlet-Branes and Ramond-Ramond …

Download PDF Abstract: We show that Dirichlet-branes, extended objects defined by mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions in string theory, break half of the supersymmetries of the type~II superstring and carry a complete set of electric and magnetic Ramond-Ramond charges. We also find that the product of the electric and magnetic …

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The Tensionless Limit of Pure-Ramond-Ramond AdS3/CFT2. Despite impressive advances in the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence, the setup involving Ramond-Ramond backgrounds, which is related to the D1-D5 system of branes, remained relatively poorly understood. We use the Mirror TBA equations recently constructed by Frolov and …

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Kalb-Ramond field in nLab

The Kalb-Ramond field or B-field is the higher U(1)-gauge field that generalizes the electromagnetic field from point particles to strings. Its dual incarnation in KK-compactifications of heterotic string theory to 4d is a candidate for the hypothetical axion field (Svrcek-Witten 06, p. 15).

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K-Theory, D-Branes and Ramond-Ramond Fields

nite groups. We show that the Dirac quantization condition for Ramond-Ramond eldstrengths on a good orbifold is dictated by equivariant K-theory and the equiv-ariant Chern character, and study the group of at Ramond-Ramond elds in the particular case of linear orbifolds in terms of our orbifold di erential K-theory.