Scaling a mAb production process to Xcellerex bioreactors

The Xcellerex single-use stirred-tank bioreactor platform is available from 10 L up to 2000 L (6). The 10 L scale is a flexible system suitable for process development, small-scale production, and process troubleshooting. The larger sizes provide scalable and robust stirred-tank performance in both cGMP and non-cGMP environments.

Хэвлэлийн газруудын жагсаалт

Титэм Дизайн ХХК Хаяг:Чингэлтэй дүүрэг 4-р хороо Бага тойруу Утас: 7010-5747 7010-ХХХХ Битпресс хэвлэл үйлдвэр Хаяг:GB Center Утас: 11-311322, 9988-7511 1131-ХХХХ Xpress хэвлэх үйлдвэр Утас: 7015-3467 7015-ХХХХ

Stainless steel sintered porous sprayer/manufactured by …

The sintered porous sprinkler generates more and smaller bubbles than any other type of sparger, thus increasing the gas/liquid contact surface area, reducing the time and volume required to dissolve gas into liquid, and greatly increasing the transfer rate. The advantage of the SAIFILTER porous gas sparger is that compared with all stainless ...

PadReactor® System

Proven to be effective for cultivation of suspended and adherent cells on micro beads. Linearly scalable from 10 L to 1200 L. User friendly single-use bioreactor designed to be used in cGMP environments. Quick …

Brot selber backen

So lieben wir unsere Brote. Doch viel zu oft scheint der Aufwand zu groß zu sein, um ein Brot selber zu backen. Deshalb haben wir hier unsere besten Brot-Klassiker gesammelt. Mit unserer Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung und vielen Step-Bildern gelingen dir die Rezepte garantiert – und sie sind wirklich einfach und ganz ohne Zusatzstoffe.

Characterizing the Effects of Anti C Emulsion on …

In contrast to what was observed with the drilled-hole sparger, no Anti C emulsion dose-dependent k L a response was observed within the microsparger system. When analyzed with a linear regression, the correlation coefficients for both agitation settings supported the absence of any effect of the emulsion addition on the rate of …

Bioreactor: Parts and their functions – BiochemGems

The bioreactor is the container that offers a biomechanical and biochemical environment that regulates the transfer of oxygen, nutrients to cells, and metabolic products from cells. The vessels of a bioreactor are made to use the activity of a catalyst to achieve the desired chemical transformation. The term "bioreactor" also refers to a ...

Nirvana Намтар

Нирвана - Зургийн цомог. by Антони Карью. Хувьсагчийн хувьслын адил утаа. Гол гишүүд: Курт Кобейн, Крист Новоселик, Дэйв Грол. Үүнд: 1987, Абердин, Вашингтон. Гол цомог: Nevermind (1991), Utero (1993) Нирван бол ...

Spargers for maximal contact surface between gas and …

The spargers create smaller and more bubbles than drilled tubes and other sparging methods. As a result, there is more gas/liquid contact surface area, thereby reducing the time and the amount that is needed to divide the gas in the liquid. The sparger has thousands of pores on the surface, causing large amounts of gas to pass a particular ...

Yoair Blog

Толбот, Абердин, Их Британи Абердин дахь Толбот харанхуй өнгөрсөн түүхтэй. Энэ нь анх 1700-аад оны дунд үед Якобитын хувьсгалын гишүүдийг байрлуулах шорон болж байжээ.

Абердин — Википедия

Абердин иначе называют — Гранитным городом, Серым городом и Серебряным городом с золотыми песками. С середины XVIII до середины XX веков городские здания строились из местного серого гранита, в котором вкрапления слюды блестят как серебро. В Абердине длинная песчаная береговая линия. После обнаружения нефти в Северном море в 1970-х годах городу дали прозвища: Нефтяная столица Европы и Энергетическая столица Европы.

Gas Spargers

Porous Gas Spargers. Shown: 0.8" dia x 6" long porous sparger with 1/2" npt Internal thread for gas connection and 1" npt thread for connection to pipeline or tank (Model PMT10S6) Shown: 2" x 24" long …


sparger der Sprengapparat Pl.: die Sprengapparate sparger der Sprinkler Pl.: die Sprinkler sparger [CHEM.] das Einblasrohr Pl.: die Einblasrohre sparger ring [ING.] der Kernsprühring [Kraftwerkstechnik]

Bioreactor CO2 and O2 flow control challenges

Bioreactor systems rely upon the introduction of oxygen and carbon dioxide to both feed cell cultures and maintain a balanced pH for an optimised environment and controlled toxicity. Numerous bioreactor components and features are critical for process optimization, including impellers for gentle mixing, baffling, spargers for gas introduction ...

2015 оны шилдэг 20 кино

2015 онд олноор гарсан ба түүхэн, шинжлэх ухааны, утга уянгын олон сайхан кинонууд дундаас хамгийн шилдэг, нүд, сэтгэл баясгасныг нь эргэн нэг санацгаая. Эдгээр киноны олонхийг удаан хүлээж, дэлгэцэнд гарахад нь нэгэн ...

Regulating O2 & CO2 with Bioreactor Sparging | Alicat …

Background: Regulating oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in bioreactors. Smaller bioreactors can effectively distribute oxygen and strip carbon dioxide without spargers. However, these measures are inadequate for larger bioreactors, where the lower surface-area-to-volume ratio leads to carbon dioxide accumulation and prevents oxygen …

Sparger Design Guide

Mott Sparger Design Guide shows variations and calculations on sparger sizing and configurations. High surface area means fast, efficient mass transfer. Mott precision porous metal creates fine bubbles over a broad range of application requirements. Related Products. In-Line Spargers.

Абердин нар мандах, жаргах

Хонг Конг Южный округ Гонконга Абердин Абердин нар мандах, жаргах: 0 2: 2 6 Орон нутгийн цаг. Цагийн бүс: GMT +8 өвлийн цаг * Орон нутгийн цагаар зааж өгдөг Ням гараг, 13 Арваннэгдүгээр 2022 ...

スパージャーとは? やい

スパージャースパージャーsparger. タンクのようなの に, ガス をきむためのをいう.もっともなものはであるが,そのほか,をあけた,き,などがある.. 「(2)」 ...