Get an Organization Identifier

Ringgold's Identify Database is the leading organizational reference database containing almost 600,000 organizations in all countries and sectors including academia, corporations, hospitals, and government entities. Each organization record and its constituent parts is assigned a unique Ringgold ID. >> More about Ringgold Identifiers All Ringgold Identify …

What is Ringgold and why it's important

What is Ringgold? Ringgold 's Identify Database is an authoritative database of over 400,000 records used to disambiguate institutional data. Why Ringgold is important? Unique identifiers for institutions provide two major benefits which cannot be achieved via other methods of standardisation: Determining your eligibility for discounts ...

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LXI-Tools is a collection of open source software tools that provide direct control of LXI compatible instruments such as modern oscilloscopes, power supplies, spectrum analyzers, and more.Simply install LXI Tools, connect your instrument, and start communicating. It really is that easy.

Ringgold Support

26 Sept 2022 Due to essential maintenance, the Identify Database API service will be unavailable for one hour on Friday 30 September 9pm EST (6pm PST) 17 Aug 2022 Ringgold's offices will be closed Friday 19 August. Please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you Monday 22 August. 7 Feb 2022 New support page added for ...


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National Gallery of Art Acquires Faith Ringgold's 'Flag is …

THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART (NGA) acquired "The American People Series #18: The Flag is Bleeding" (1976), a major painting by Faith Ringgold that makes a powerful political statement about American democracy and racism.. The iconic painting was acquired directly from the collection of the artist with funds gifted by the …

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Ringgold ID,

The full Ringgold Identify Database consists of more than 500,000 unique organizational records with rich metadata attached: official and alternate names, location, demographic types and tiers assigned by Ringgold's expert researchers, size, and the unique Ringgold Identifier (Ringgold ID).

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Identify Database

Identify Database Navigate a Complex Network of Organizations An authoritative reference database of organizations curated by Ringgold Effective enterprise management depends upon our ability to trust and leverage our most important asset: our data. Organizations are a component of every business, and they are represented in every data set as customers, …

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Aunt Effie's Restaurant from Ringgold Menu

Here you can find the menu of Aunt Effie's Restaurant. Currently there are 4 dishes and drinks on the menu. You can ask for changing offers by phone. If you want to try appetizing American food like burgers or barbecue, this is the place for you, as a quick bite however, their appetizing sandwiches, small salads and other snacks are also suitable.

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