Siapa Diuntungkan IKN?

Di ring 3, ada antara lain PT Toba milik Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan dan PT Singlurus Pratama milik keluarga taipan Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono, yang menguasai konsesi tambang batu bara. Para pengusaha besar itulah yang akan mendapat "windfall" pembangunan IKN hanya dari kenaikan harga tanah saja.

Mochamad Nizar Al Farid

Singlurus Pratama - Project Upgrading Barge Loading Conveyor Founder East Java Agro Mar 2021 - Saat ini 2 tahun 1 bulan Gresik, East Java, Indonesia Pendidikan Akamigas Balongan Associate's degree 2018 - 2021 Lisensi dan Sertifikasi ...

Jetty Singlurus, Kalimantan Timur

Jetty Mufakat Taka ... 22. Lanna Harita Indonesia. Jetty LHI. Samarinda (Kutai Lama) / ... Singlurus Pratama. Jetty ... KENDILO COAL INDONESIA PT Kendilo Coal Indonesia ("PTKCI" or the "Company") was established on 31 October 1981 ... Indocoal Pratama Jaya is also the co-owner of PT Singlurus Pratama, which is a joint ...

PT Singlurus Pratama | APBI-ICMA

PT Indocoal Pratama Jaya Indonesia 15% 3 PT Ambhara Karya Perdana Indonesia 8% 4 PT Harita Jayaraya Indonesia 12% MINING AREA Margo Mulyo & Mutiara Caloric Value ADB : Caloric Value G : Total Sulphur : …


PT. Singlurus Pratama lies within the East Kalimantan province of Indonesia on the island of Borneo and lies largely within the district of Kabupaten Kutai …

Lokasi penelitian di kawasan pertambangan batubara di blok Merdeka PT Singlurus Pratama Kalimantan Timur (SGP) dengan koordinat geografis 10 08' 00'- 00 53' 00, 1" LS dan 1170 11' 00'

PT Singlurus Pratama | APBI-ICMA

PT Indocoal Pratama Jaya Indonesia 15% 3 PT Ambhara Karya Perdana Indonesia 8% 4 PT Harita Jayaraya Indonesia 12% MINING AREA Margo Mulyo & Mutiara Caloric Value ADB : Caloric Value G : Total Sulphur : Ash : Moisture AR : Volatile Meter : AFT : ...


Singlurus Pratama (SGP) is in the coal production and distribution, having coal mining operation under the coal concession of the third generation "Coal Contract of Work" (CCOW III), granted by the Indonesian government with concession period of 30 years (2009-2039). The coal concession is located in Balikpapan district, Sub-Province Kutai ...


Singlurus Pratama was commenced since 2006 and is continuing. Up to the end of 2011, more than 115,000 meter has been drilled. Mining Operation. Currently all mining …

PT Singlurus Pratama Serahkan Program CSR TPA

TENGGARONG –Sebagai wujud program kemitraan Badan Usaha Milik Negara dengan usaha kecil dan program lingkungan sekaligus tentang tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, PT Singlurus Pratama menyerahkan tiga unit truk untuk sarana pengelolaan sampah di kecamatan Samboja senilai Rp 1 milyar.


Background : PT. Singlurus Pratama (SGP) was established on December 24, 1993. SGP signed a Coal Concession of Work (CCOW 3rd Generation) with the Government of …


Singlurus Pratama dengan luas konsesi 21.424 hektare. Beberapa perusahaan lain yang memiliki izin konsesi cukup luas, dimiliki oleh PT. Multi Harapan Utama dengan luas 7 ribu hektare dan PT. Kutai Energi dengan luas 6,5 ribu hektare. Berikut adalah list ...


PT. Singlurus Pratama is respectful of its host communities and has never neglected the principles and responsibilities to the society, communities and environment. The …


Singlurus Pratama (SGP) is in the coal production and distribution, having coal mining operation under the coal concession of the third generation "Coal Contract of Work" …


Kalangie (staff of PT Singlurus Pratama), the participants were transported to the PT Singlurus Pratama mine. At the first site, a typical newly reclaimed area of the mine site, participants were given a number of trees to plant and asked to reflect on their approach to planting. At the second site, participants were


Singlurus Pratama) provided more detailed information about the finer points of rehabili-tation planning and monitoring by discussing operations at PT Singlurus Pratama. Day 2 The second day of training started with a quick review of the lessons learned from the previ-ous day. Dr. Ishak Yassir (Senior researcher at